Boring with your daily meals? Do not know what to cook today? No worries longer. Here is one of amazingVietnamese Dish Recipes I want to show you. It is called Fried Rice with Pineapple (Cơm Rang Dứa). Pineapples are nourish foods contain a lot vitamin C, which is very good for the body.
Fried Rice with Pineapple (Cơm Rang Dứa)
So, are you ready to cook? There are 4 steps to make this recipe. Moreover, all steps are easily. You just need 15 minute to create it which is one amazing dish from many Vietnamese Dish Recipes.
- 300gr Rice
- 1/3 ripe pineapple, slice into small cubes.
- 300gr Rice
- 1/3 ripe pineapple, slice into small cubes.
- 1 tomato, seeded and diced.
- 1/2 small onions, diced
- 40g raisins, soaked in warm water to get it soft.
- Vegetable Oil
- Sauce, maggi’s stuff.
Process: Before cooking, I want to remind that you should follow steps below carefully to create one ofVietnamese Dish Recipes more delicious.
Step 1: Heat oil in large pan, fried onions until fragrant. Next, clean rice 3 time, and bring to cook.
- 40g raisins, soaked in warm water to get it soft.
- Vegetable Oil
- Sauce, maggi’s stuff.
Process: Before cooking, I want to remind that you should follow steps below carefully to create one ofVietnamese Dish Recipes more delicious.
Step 1: Heat oil in large pan, fried onions until fragrant. Next, clean rice 3 time, and bring to cook.
Step 2: Add little oil in a frying pan, fry boiled rice, stir well. Fry for 5 minutes, and then add raisins, tomatoes, onion, and pineapple to fry together with boiled rice. Now, add sauce and maggi’s stuff to suit your taste.
Click Fried Rice with Pineapple Recipe (Cơm Rang Dứa) to see more and do no not miss our next recipes at Hope to see u there
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