Thursday, 7 March 2013

Grilled Cake with Cheese Filling Recipe (Bánh Nướng Nhân Phô Mai)

Cuisine not only includes traditional dishes in one country, but also combines many recipes from other countries to create many delicious dishes for people. Today, I will create one of spectacularVietnamese Dessert Recipes which is combined with Western recipes for you guys. It is calledGrilled Cake with Cheese Filling (Bánh Nướng Nhân Phô Mai). It can help you feel bored no more with dessert meals every day.
If you have kids, making this dessert is a great choice. You can make it for their breakfast meals and bring to school for lunch. I bet they will totally fall in love with it. When you do want to make one of deliciousVietnamese Dessert Recipes with us, please follow our instruction below carefully and let us start cooking right now.


For Filling:

50g many different seeds: black sesame, white sesame, peanut, walnut seeds, dried watermelon seeds
100gr cream cheese
30g sugar.

For Cover:

150g butter
50g sugar
200g wheat flour
3 eggs.


Step 1: Grind well all seeds and mix together. You can choose any seed you love for making one of stunning Vietnamese Dessert Recipes.
Step 2: Next, mix 100ml water + butter + cream cheese + all grinded seeds in step 1 and mix well.

Step 3: Stir well eggs + butter + sugar into a clean bowl until they are soft.

Step 4: Add more wheat flour and mix well.

Click Grilled Cake with Cheese Filling Recipe (Bánh Nướng Nhân Phô Mai) to see more


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