Sunday 22 September 2013

Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt)

Yesterday, my mom and I decided making Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt) which comes from many stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes for all members in family.

Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt)
Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt)
I do not remember how many times we make these dumplings. I was really excited especially when kneading flour. You can lose many calories with this step. Work out before eating, why not? We have 2 key steps to create one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes like this one. They are kneading flour and seasoning fillings. Now, you guys can follow my instruction below and let us start making these dumplings, ok?


400g dumpling flour (extra 1 small bag baking soda powder) – buy at Vietnamese markets
100g sugar, 1 little salt
200ml fresh milk (no sugar)
200g pork shoulder
½ onion, 3 chicken eggs, 3 shiitake mushrooms.


Step 1: Kneading flour is the first step we will do to create one of stunning Vietnamese Dish Recipes. Cook milk until it warms (40 – 50 degree), add more baking soda powder and stir gently. Wait about 10 minutes. Then, add more dumpling flour into this mixture (scoop ½ tablespoon before pouring into this mixture), with sugar, salt and knead well from 10 – 20 minutes. Add more 1 teaspoon oil and continue kneading in 10 minutes. Cover it by soft blanket (soaked and press out water), wait in 1 hour.

Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt)

Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt)

Step 2: When waiting flour, we will making fillings. Grind well pork meat and onion, shiitake mushroom. Boil sausage quickly and slice thinly. Mix them well and season with a little fish sauce or Maggie seasoning powder, pepper and a little oil. You can add more a little char siew sauce if you want. Boil eggs and slice into 4 equal pieces. From my mom cooking experiences, you can add more a little white wine to increase the specific flavor for fillings.

Click Vietnamese Dumplings with Pork Fillings Recipe (Bánh Bao Nhân Thịt) to see more


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